
She Shares wins AFP Golden Horseshoe Outstanding Community Partner Award

Congratulations to She Shares Women's Giving Circle, winner of the Outstanding Community Partner Award in 2024, presented by AFP Golden Horseshoe Chapter.
She Shares member w/ Kourtney Parker - AFP Awards
Pictured (left to right): Kourtney Parker, Director of Development, SMGH Foundation with She Shares members Kate Durdan and Michele Way
"With over 100 members strong, this group of community builders and philanthropists support each other and the hospital with their time, treasure, talent and testimony," says Kourtney Parker, Director of Development at St. Mary's General Hospital Foundation.
"It was a pleasure to meet all of the other winners and members of AFP. The celebration was inspiring and the sector is strong!"
You. Together. Making a difference.
She Shares is a circle of like-minded women who, together, are making a real impact on the health of the community - by directly investing in local healthcare at St. Mary's General Hospital.
Individual membership is an investment in healthcare at St. Mary’s General Hospital. Members enjoy several benefits throughout the year, including education and social events.
AFP Golden Horseshoe Awards
Each year AFP honours the individuals, community groups and businesses who have enhanced philanthropy and their communities through hard work, dedication and leadership.
The 2024 annual National Philanthropy Day luncheon was held in Hamilton on Friday, November 15, 2024.
AFP Award - She Shares Women's Giving Circle, 2024 Outstanding Community Partner
She Shares Women's Giving Circle, 2024 Outstanding Community Partner Award, AFP Golden Horseshoe Chapter
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St. Mary's General Hospital Foundation

Medical Centre 2
435 The Boardwalk, Suite 300
Waterloo, ON, N2T 0C2


Charitable Registration No. 119189017RR0001

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